“The stakes are high, the water’s rough”

A quick life update

chel writes
5 min readAug 2, 2024
Photo by Claire Satera on Unsplash

Yup, I’m back. It’s been a while, don’t you think so?

Oh, how I miss being here — just writing, chatting, and blabbering with all of you through the comment section. Sorry for not being around lately, things have been really busy.

And fortunately, the busy days are over, and now I’m back. Hopefully, I can write more and share a slice of my life or thoughts again.

I want to share what’s been keeping me busy the past few months, but I’m not sure where to start. Being newlywed has been a mix of feelings.

Yes, you read it right — I’m officially a wife!

It all happened about a week ago on a lovely Sunday morning; warm and close, reciting our vows surrounded by our loved ones — everyone was happy and cheerful. Our reception lasted three hours, and despite walking around in 5cm heels, I felt nothing but joy. Seeing our loved ones smiling, dancing to the music, and celebrating our union brought me immense happiness.

And of course, I’m aware that despite how joyful our reception was, the real essence of marriage happens after the wedding is over. After that, we will pursue life together, ’til death do us part.

When the reception was over, we both went home to our house. Together.

Oh, I still remember the exact moment I first walked into our house — newly married and still buzzing from the whirlwind of emotions. It was as if the world had shifted ever so slightly, and I was stepping into a new dimension where everything felt both familiar and astonishingly different.

We both walked into our soon-to-be home; the place where we would always return, and where each of our things would assemble on one spot — our toothbrushes, body care items, and clothes in the same cabinet.

Sometimes it still feels surreal — we’ve only been married for about a week, but everything already feels so exciting.

The early days of marriage are a curious blend of euphoria and adjustment. It’s like living in a dream where you’re simultaneously aware of the magic and the hard work required to keep it alive. For me, it was a time of intense discovery — not just of my spouse, but of myself.

One of the first things I noticed was the sheer intimacy of it all. Sharing a space with someone you’ve promised to spend your life with is both thrilling and, at times, overwhelming. I marveled at how two lives, with their distinct routines and habits, were now intertwining so closely. From the smallest things, like deciding where to put the rice cooker, who will be sleeping on the left and right sides of the bed, to the bigger decisions about future plans, it felt like every choice was a testament to our commitment.

The excitement was palpable. Every day seemed like an adventure. We had so many firsts: our first movie date as a married couple, our first argument, our first major purchase together. Each experience came with its own set of emotions. The learning curve of navigating disagreements matched the joy of discovering new places together. But even in those tense moments, I appreciated the depth of our bond. We were learning to communicate, compromise, and understand each other on a level we hadn’t before.

In this life transition, I know there will be many challenges, not all of which will be happy. And sometimes, I also had moments of doubt and insecurity.

Was I doing this right? Was I being a good partner? These questions would occasionally pop up, making me question my ability to navigate this new role.

But then, a shared laugh, a moment of understanding, or just a quiet evening together would reassure me. I began to realize that being newly married wasn’t about having everything figured out but about being willing to grow and adapt together.

One of the most delightful parts was discovering the quirks that made my husband unique. Whether it was his unusual way of arranging the shoes on our shoe rack, his peculiar bedtime routine, or how he always coughs every time he brushes his teeth (yes, he did it on purpose). These little idiosyncrasies became endearing parts of our daily life. They added a layer of intimacy and humor to our relationship that made the early days feel rich and full.

I’m grateful for the whirlwind of emotions and experiences that came with them. Each day was a lesson in love and partnership, a chance to build a foundation that, while not perfect, was profoundly ours.

Just like what Taylor Swift wrote in her song “Ours”:

The stakes are high, the water’s rough
But this love is ours

The early days of marriage were a rollercoaster, but they were ours — every twist and turn, every high and low, filled with the promise of a future built together.

Us, on our wedding day.

Looking back, I wouldn’t trade those moments for anything. They taught me so much about love, patience, and commitment. They reminded me that while marriage is a journey, it’s one that’s meant to be savored, with all its ups and downs. And as we move forward, those early days remain a cherished chapter in our story — an exhilarating start to a lifetime of adventure together.

Alright, I think I’ve already written too much about our first week of marriage. I don’t want you to get bored reading the story of a newlywed whose tale isn’t that exciting yet. So maybe that’s all for now. I promise to share more in future stories.

Much love to you and until next time!

Thank you for journeying your time through these words. If you’d like to show support, you can leave a tip below (next to the subscribe button) or you can buy me a coffee here. Wishing you safety and warmth!



chel writes

write articles and personal thoughts. publish drafts regularly. sometimes in english or indonesian :)